Friday, September 6, 2019

Hello Friends,

We get to go to our Learning Commons/Library 2 times a week, to visit, listen to stories and exchange our library books.  Ms. Townsend read us a book that gives us multiple choices on how we want the story to end.  

This week we have been learning about Light and Shadow and that we can bend light, it travels in waves, particles and in a straight line.

We have learned about what are facts, opinions and about education in different countries. Ms. Mahon says we will continue to learn more about these all year long.

We learned about patterns and have begun learning about place value in Math.  Ms. Mahon will be sending home different websites and activities that we can do at home to practice.  She will not be copying homework pages as she doesn't like to use a lot of paper, when there are so many different ways to learn.

For Social Studies and Health and Literacy, Ms. Mahon wants us to talk about where we come from, how we learn and to discuss what friendship and respect are.

In art we made geometric stars which contained patterns in each point as well as using primary and secondary colours to create art.

Please keep checking in every week as we (the students) will be blogging about our learning.

Have a great week ahead, 

Ms. Mahon's Marvelous Monsters.  :)