Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Happy Tuesday,
It has been a while since our last blog, but be prepared, it will begin happening more often as the students will be doing the official blog 2 - 3 times per week starting next week.
We continue reading daily in Guided Reading.
In music, we are doing bucket drumming. We are learning to count beats and rhythm. Did you know that chocolate milk and potato chips can help us keep the beat? It is pretty cool. We might learn to play the recorder soon.
In Mathematics we are learning about money. We have been shopping with flyers and are learning how to add and subtract different totals of money.
According to Waleed we learn all about electricity in Science. We are learning how to build circuits using a Snap Circuit kit. We created circuits that make a siren sound, and one that sings Happy Birthday. Today we learned about opening and closing circuits.
In Phys. Ed we are playing badminton. We are hoping to soon play games.
Ms. Reid, our student teacher is reading a book about word play titled, The Phantom Tollbooth. We are learning about synonyms, homonyms, homophones and eventually antonyms.
In writing we learned about fireflies and what is causing them to be endangered. The paragraphs we wrote will soon be available for you to read on IRIS.
In Classroom Champions we have set long and short term goals. We hope to achieve them as the year progresses.
In Social Studies we are continuing to learn about the regions of Canada and Alberta. We will start building our 3D maps tomorrow. You will be able to see them at Parent/Teacher Conferences on the 19th and 20th of March.
We are having a half day (fully funded) field trip on March 16th. It will take place from 8:30 - 12:00 PM at the Arts Commons in downtown Calgary. We need at least 7 volunteers to make this a successful trip. If you have a current police clearance and can take the time, please let Mrs. Mahon know as soon as possible.
Stay tuned for notices for both the field trip and parent/teacher conferences.
Mrs. Mahon and her Munchkins from Room 16