Thursday, September 17, 2020

First Blog of the 20/21 School Year - Room 16


We have been learning about wetlands in science.  Wetlands have water and soil underneath it. There are wetlands in the middle of Canada around the Hudson Bay. Swampy wetlands are covered in trees. Wetlands is a safe place for animals to live.

We are learning about graphing in math.  We have done bar graphs, line graphs and we are learning about calendars and dates.

We have been learning about gorillas. Koko was a Lowland gorilla that could speak ASL (American Sign Language). We have learned a little bit of sign language ourselves. Koko learned her sign language from Francine Patterson. Koko was born on July 4, 1971 and died in her sleep on June 19, 2018. Gorillas are 98% genetically connected to humans. They eat bamboo, thistles and bugs. Gorillas can also get human diseases. Silverback gorillas are the leaders of the troops.

We are learning to draw different animals like frogs, gorillas and fish.  We learned to draw trees.  We are hoping to get outside more often to draw what we see in nature as we learn to protect and care for it.

We participate in modified circle time by sharing how our day went and other things we want our classmates to know.

In social we have been learning about the continents, and what borders the country of Canada. Next we will be learning about the provinces and territories.  We have had many discussions about what it means to be Canadian, and what we thought about what Canada is.

We are learning about friendships and respect.

In Phys Ed we have been playing Shadow RPS tag outside on the hill. We have learned to pass and trap a soccer ball, learning to not use our hands at all. 

Just a reminder, there is no school tomorrow, Friday, September 18, 2020.  

Stay tuned next week for an update from Room 16.

Mrs. Mahon's Marvelous Masked Monsters :)