Good Morning Parents and Guardians,
In writing we have been learning about stories. We are learning about fairy tales, fables, myths and legends. We learned that there are many parts to a story. The parts we have learned about this week are the characters, setting, kick off and feelings. We will learn about the others next week.
In science we are learning about the climate in Canada, Alberta, and other places in the world. We are learning about weather and that it is different than climate.
In social we have learned about the great places to visit in Alberta. The Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology is the largest and only museum in Canada that tells about dinosaurs. We created Jamboards about where we would like to visit and what we have learned. We learned where dinosaurs lived in Alberta.
In math we are learning about fractions and decimals.
In art we have been learning about Jason Carter. He is an Indigenous artist from Alberta. We sketched and painted mountain landscapes. Ms. Neal taught us how and what to do. It was awesome, amazing, and fun.
Next week is a short, 3-day week due to teachers convention. We are only in school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We get Thursday, Friday and the following Monday off as it is Family Day long weekend.
Please ask me about Healthy Hunger. (It is in my backpack)
Have a great weekend and enjoy inside with your family as it is supposed to be cold.
Mrs. Mahon's Marvelous Masked Monsters