Hello Families of Room 16!
The past two weeks have been fabulous. The students have done so much learning, interacting and building community and I must say, they are definitely making me so proud.
I will start off in the order of our daily schedule. The students have told me what to blog about so I am just following the ideas given.
- We read everyday in class. We are either reading independently, with a buddy (side by side not face to face), or with the teacher. When we read we are answering questions that are either literal (answers can be found inside the pages) or inferential (we have to really think about them). We have to make inferences and predictions as well as explain what we are reading. We are using different strategies to read words that are harder, or ask questions if we need more information.
- In writing we have been learning about myths. We are currently planning and writing our own myths. We are really working on adding descriptive language and detail to our stories.
- Decimals is what we have really focused on. We have been comparing, adding and subtracting decimals to the hundredths. We continue to use our basic facts and the skills we learned to carry and borrow if we need to. We have also been learning about money and the connection to decimals. We are doing a meal planning activity next week and it is really exciting. It is on our Google Classroom so we can share it with our families when it is completed.
- We are learning all about friendships. We have spoken a lot about what a good friend is and how we are good friends. This conversation will continue for the next few lessons.
- The focus this week and next week will be on the works of Leah Dorion, an Indigenous artist. We have read The Giving Tree and are now working on using her ideas and style of painting to create our own.
- The water cycle and weather continue to be our focus here. We have learned the parts of the water cycle and how climate change happens through the greenhouse effect.
Social Studies
- We continue to learn about Alberta. Mrs. Mahon has even said she has also discovered something new, and in turn is changing our research project to incorporate more teamwork and less technology. We will be working more hands on to answer our questions. Ms Neal has also been really helpful in making this happen as well.
Phys Ed
- We have played a lot of different games and activities using hula hoops, as well as continued our traditional tag games to get us moving in the morning.
Fridays are our Land Based Learning Day
- We get to spend time outside focused on learning from the land, making connections to nature. Today we learned how to filtre water because not everyone has clean water to drink.
Lastly, Circle
- In Circle we are always present, following specific expectations and listening carefully to others. We have been learning to share our feelings with our classmates. We start every morning with circle and always end the day on a positive note with circle.
Stay tuned for our blog in 3 weeks to get an update on what is happening in Room 16! Have a great wekend.
Mrs. Mahon's Marvelous Monsters.