Good Afternoon Cappy Smart Families,
We might be coming home a little more tired this week after a week long break. We have once again been busy reviewing things we have already learned, and by learning things that are completely new to us.
We have begun to introduce Aboriginal Stories to help introduce us to story telling in literacy. We are listening to, and discussing stories from Canada's Northwest and Western Indigenous People and comparing them to our own stories. We are hoping that we will get to writing our own stories as we move forward.
Division is the topic of choice in mathematics this week. We have enjoyed learning to create arrays to represent groups and then to break those larger groups into smaller, equal groups. We are taking a break next week from our regular mathematics program and we are going to do some Pumpkin Math. We have had the opportunity to receive a very large pumpkin from Save-On-Foods and we are going to use our mathematical skills and other pumpkins to enhance our skill development in multiple areas of math. We are looking forward to gaining knowledge, having fun and getting messy.
We will be heading into Remembrance Day learning and writing for two weeks and would like to invite families to join us for our assembly on November 8, 10:30 am to 11:00 am. Please look for the invitation to come home.
We have a field trip to Telus Spark on November 7, 2019. We were given the field trip forms to fill out and return. The cost of the field trip per student is $6.00, and we would like payment and forms back by Tuesday, November 5, 2019. We also need up to 14 volunteers, so please, if you are able to volunteer, please let us know. Thank you.
We are learning about simple machines and then building devices and vehicles that move in science, which also ties into our field trip to Telus Spark.
Learning about continents, Canada and Alberta in mapping and the geographical features of both is where we are going to support our learning in social studies.
Have a great weekend and look next week for the next update.