Thursday, October 17, 2019
Hello Wonderful Families,
It is halfway through our well deserved break as the students of Room 16 have been working very hard since August. Take time to relax and enjoy family this Thanksgiving holiday/break.
I would like to say thank you to all families who attended our Parent/Teacher Conferences a week ago. It is such a wonderful feeling to share successes and goals with parents. I look forward to another successful couple of months with my wonderful students.
As we move forward in all subject areas, just a few quick hints and tips that may help your child along the way:
1. Read everyday, either to your child, or let your child read to you. As you read or they read, stop and ask questions about what is being read. This helps with understanding what is being read.
2. Math - practicing basic addition/subtraction/multiplication and division facts is very helpful. If you were at interviews you may have received a message for Xtramath. If not, your child will get these on Monday. It is a fun way to practice daily. Also, Prodigy Math is a fun way to learn and understand concepts.
3. In regards to reading, if I spoke to your child about a mini book report, then please help them with this, as I can't wait to hear all about what they are reading at home. If I didn't get a chance to speak with you, then all I ask is that the students be prepared to share with their classmates a little about what they read at home this break. A mini book report would be awesome and this would include: characters, setting, problem, solution and whether or not the student liked the book. They can do a video, poster, book jacket, oral report or a simple written one. Whatever they choose will be accepted.
Thank you for being involved in making our year a continued success, see you Monday.
Mrs. Mahon